Lovely Lady Cakes

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Week

To start off the week of fun and relaxing Christmas weekend, Damon & I went to see Avatar downtown. Mary and Reuben just bought a loft down there so they met us at the theater. Avatar in 3D: whow! I went into the movie thinking I would hate the blue people (Avatars), and to my surprise was freaking out how cool everything looked digitally. After the movie we headed to Reuben & Marys and checked out their new place - super cool. That's even where we are going in a few hours for New Years Eve!! Mike & Jill met us as well and we planned to go ice skating right by their house but instead we had a yummy sushi dinner and walked to the Standard Hotel. Lovely night with a sparkling view.

Well Christmas Eve (Christmaka) was upon us and we had a total of 8 people over for dinner. This was the 1st year ever that we were not with our immediate families. It was very sad not to be with them, but it gave us the chance to make our own traditions. Our friends Harry & Max came over and since they're Jewish, we all came up with Christmaka. But Santa didn't look at last names this year and they got presents under our tree. Mary & Reuben, and Ben & Clair joined us too. We ate every last morsel of food. It was funny, no left overs. I made some cookies un-iced and we had a little icing party after dinner.

Ahh, Christmas night. Damon and I went to Florian and Sandra's in Echo Park to have an amazing meal prepared by Florian. I held little Luca the whole time. He is just sooo cute. Sandra's parents were there helping the couple out since little Luca is only 2 weeks old so far. He even went to his 1st Christmas party with Florian the day before. The boy is already a social butterfly. This really felt like home. The house was warm from the Christmas tree lights, which also had these tiny candles that Florian had placed into the Tree. I think that is their tradition to place candles in the tree. We sang Christmas carols in Swiss- German and read Bible verses in Swiss German as well.

Well, my rollers are hot and I hear some fireworks going off (I hope that bang was fireworks). Good bye 2009 and hello a great year to 2010! The Digital Decade was good to us. It gave us the world of technology, Twitter, iphones, words like Octomom, American Idol, and green isn't a color any more. HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE people!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Disneyland at Christmas time

Well, It is the happy place on earth I do believe. We went with our friends Steve, Dani, and their 2 an a half year old Myles. It was supposed to rain, but it totally cleared up for us and was a wee bit chilly, but of course the perfect temp. It sure does beat being hot and sweaty and buying $4 dollar waters in the summer. Man how cool is it to see this giant world through a little boys eyes. He was so excited when we did the buzz and woody ride, and it's great he is the perfect height for a lot of the rides. Plus, all the Christmas decorations were amazing. You really do get your bang for your buck. We watch the wicked cool parade on main street, and even stuck around for the huge fireworks show. Myles kinda thought it was a tad loud and covered his ears. We are some true Disney fans and stayed till 12 midnight.
Watch his face in this video below it's priceless.....

Cookie Parties are fun

Another cookie party this month. These are getting to be so fun. This time only 5 kidos, but they were younger so much more of a mess and being very involved. Thank goodness wine was there for the adults..LOL

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Holiday Ginger Bread Cookie Kido Party

Lovely Lady Cakes was asked to host a cookie party this December. There were about 15 kidos and many sticky fingers. We had 2 stations. One was a rolling out dough, and using fun holiday cookie cutters to make the shapes you wanted to eat. The second was a decorating station that were pre baked cookies. Then fun icing and many sprinkles to throw on top. This was an egg, nut free party.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

San Diego Film Festival

Even though the Film Festival was last month it was so much fun and wanted to share some pics with you. Deadland didn't win anything, but what an honor just to be in this film festival. They are very organized and friendly staff. My favorite is the film makers lounge where they serve free Patron drinks, which who sponsored the festival. I learned how to drink tequila responsibly...
The 1st night was the opening film called "Like Dandelion Dust" with Barry Pepper and Kate Levering who is in my faviort show Drop Dead Diva. Then listen to Q& A then off to the Opening Party at the Sè Hotel

We had 2 great, pack, theaters for our screening of Deadland.
The last night Damon and I attended the 944 Actors Ball & Awards Ceremony at the Hotel Solamar. Well, I met Richard Dreyfuss, and didn't notice that the man was eating when I approached him for a chat and he was not happy b/c he had food all in his mouth. Opps! and was practically sitting in James Van Der Beek lap. He won best actor. Oh yeah we went to some of the panels the writing and actors panel and our own Gary Weeks from Deadland was in the actor panel with James Van Der Beek.
This was an ego booster. They asked Damon and I to get pics taken and it was wild, like paparazzi. Look left, look right. I think i need that while getting ready in the morning.
Thanks San Diego we love you!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lovely Lady Cakes / Halloween

October whow, Lovely Lady Cakes was very busy. The month started off with a baby shower cake that was cute baby blocks. I also had a Bride and Groom come into my home for a cake tasting. (those little samples above) They were picking between Lovely Lady Cakes and Rosebuds and the Bride chose me. Yea! So I just finished drawing up all my official contracts for Wedding Cakes!
Halloween night my friend John had his 40th birthday party. I created this Grateful Dead Cake for the party. This cake was so fun thanks John!
Of course Damon and I dressed up as Jon and Kate Gosling from Jon and Kate plus eight!!!

Parents Visit

My mom flew out to Cali to visit this October for 7 days. It was very nice and fun to see her in my neck of the woods this time. We totally took it easy, and I showed her around. I took her to my favorite spot the Santa Monica Pier. We road the overpriced Ferris wheel, but you have to do that.
I loved this day we packed a picnic and took it to the Getty Museum. The weather was perfect and just sat in the grass and caught up and giggled overlooking beautiful LA.
Ahh great seafood in Malibu called Gladstones. The birds kept scaring me a bit.
Yea, the next weekend Damons mom and dad came to visit. They only got to stay for 2 night but it was fun to see them. Damon is showing off his Directing award behind him...LOL
fun times. We loved having you guys come back soon!!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Boeuf Bourguignon

Listening to Alexandre Desplat's wonderful score to Julie and Julia Movie while in the kitchen brought out the cook in me. This movie recently sparked inside me why I enjoy to not only bake, but love savory food as well. I do have to say though, when I was sitting in the audience of 3 weeks ago at the screening of Julie and Julia movie, I had the widest grin on my face. The theater was a whoppen 4 or 5 couples since I had waited so long to see the movie. I knew it would be my most favorite ever and it held up to my expectations. The grin from ear to ear did not sit there. Noise also, was coming out from my mouth like when you sit with close friends. I hope I didn't annoy anyone, but for sure they were doing the same. That night decided I was to make the famous Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon. Googled the reciepe..(I always google anything you don't know google.) Made my grocery list. Even travled to Ross to by a large enough stock pot that had a lid. can you believe I didn't have one. Invited friends Gary, Jessica, and Sandra. As I started with Mrs. Child's recipe I proceed to the meat and the famous words "Dry the stewing beef in paper towels; it will not brown if it is damp." muttered through my head. Dumped the whole bottle of Red Wine in with some beef stock and brought to a boil then into the oven. So far so good, and yes the house is producing the amazing aroma they talk about in the movie. Noticing this simmering action in the oven I say to my self this is just like stew whats the big deal Julia. Carrots, onions, beef! Umm... Our friends come over we toast before dinner and Jessica and Gary announce she will not be partaking in the wine for she is pregant. Yea!!! Sandra announced about a few months ago she as well is pregant. So my girls are going to get to experience the joy of birth together. By all means I am not jealous and supper excited for them both. I can't wait to be there for them!
I lean in to take a bite of this dish I have just prepared for over 3 -4 hours and what do you know it taste just like stew. I hate stew! Damon and everyone else love it so that's all I cared about. Since I was a kid never to fond of the stew. HEHEH!! What a fun night and good memories!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Dinner on my roof.......

Ahh! Last night Damon and I ate on our roof top. I made Genova Pesto Chicken Sausage Raviolo with Caesar Salad. It was so nice. Lovely night and totally reminded me of our honeymoons last night in St. Lucia. So far we have been married one year and four months whooohoo, and loven every min of it. After dinner we had a bottle of Port from Daniel Gehrs Wines, in Los Olivos, California. Where Salem proposed to Joy.

Also, a BIG Congratulations to our my friend Todd of 6 years and Damon's friend since 9th grade. He proposed to his girlfriend. Yea! We are so happy for you Todd!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Fires near and Far!

My Oh My! ekkk
this is the view from my balcony!
Pray for those Fire Fighters!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Marble Falls, Tx. Trip to see the family!

Well, I traveled to my moms house a few weeks ago in Austin. Saw the sister, mom, and dad it was nice to see the family. Whow, i love my Mediterranean climate because Texas was soo hot. My moms car gauge reached 125! WTF thats hot!

Friends and Family day lunch @ Dreamworks....Our friends Claire and Ben gave us the tour at Dreamworks. It was so nice, hopefully damon can work there some day. It's such a nice family atmosphere. Pool tables and foozeball tables set up outside to relax while rendering your projects...

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