Lovely Lady Cakes



  1. Hi I love your recipes. U r so great.! I am very thankful to you for writing the subtitle of ingredients on Youtube videos as Am able to understand because Am hard of hearing and It is very good blog.Happy to follow you.Wishing you to post more and more. Do visit my blog once you are free Here is my blog

    Awaiting to hear your comments on my blog :)

  2. hi crazy! i'm from greece ! tomorrow i'm going to make mocarons!!! wish me luck...:)

  3. I attempted to make macaroons but I was in such a hurry to make them I totally ruined I had to use foil because I had made the batch of the mix then I realized I was out of parchment paper... I think that's why they exploded and were so hard to get off without braking

  4. How and where do you store the rest of the dough from the beignets? Freezer? Refrigerator?

  5. Hi love love your recipes I've been trying to do macaroons for a while and I just can't seem to get them right what would be the best food coloring you use to dye the batter does it matter of its water based or not like the regular Wilton color gels??

  6. Hi love love your recipes I've been trying to do macaroons for a while and I just can't seem to get them right what would be the best food coloring you use to dye the batter does it matter of its water based or not like the regular Wilton color gels??


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