Lovely Lady Cakes

Sunday, May 31, 2009

A proposal and Family Visits

May 23, 2009, my brother-in-law Salem proposed to his girlfriend Delia Joy Anderson up in the hills of Los Olivos California. It was the most romantic day with the flowers in bloom and rows and rows of young grapes growing on the vines. We drove up to a little vineyard called Firestone Winery. We grabbed lunch first, and sat outside to fill our bellies with food before the wine tasting day before us. When all of a sudden after we ate Salem asked Delia AKA: Joy, to go with him to look around. She grabbed her camera and they were off until, Salem asked her to leave it at the table. Much to her surprise she was confused for we needed her camera to document this moment she knew nothing about. Salem took her through the vineyards and while on their walk he knelt down and proposed. Damon was lurking behind cars snapping pictures. Let's just say the rest of the day was romantic and full of wine tasting.

I love this wallpaper. It was in one of the wine tasting rooms. OMG, I'm so recreating this for my house or Lovely Lady Cakes.

One of the many fun activities we had planed while Salem and Delia were in-town was take them to this awesome outdoor movie. We saw "Dazed and Confused" It was projected onto the side of a wall at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. I know a little weird and scary. NO, this was the most beautiful cemetery I have ever been to. Our friends Michelle and John have been tying to get us to go with them since last year. I'm so glad we finally got to go.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I was babysitting the other day in Brentwood.  While walking i came across this beautiful home.  Some day!  Market-Value 2.2 Million...cough, cough,,,,

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Crazy April

What a crazy month! April 1st my husband and I moved.  For any one who has ever moved, which I'm sure is everyone, it's so tough and takes all the strength out of ya. We moved our selves and are so fortunate to have amazing friends that helped us with the large items. Also, what amazing friends we have. We acquired a new couch from our friends Jill & Mike. We received a nice new kitchen table that has 2 leafs for dinner parties from Amanda & Jason. The most funniest part of the day is we bought a really cool fridge. We missed the part that maybe we should of measured it. If you could of only seen this. 7 men pushing and moaning and groaning to get this thing up the stairs and around a corner. Congrats men and thanks.

The next weekend of April the 18th. We were in the Atlanta Film Festival with our feature film called "Deadland".  It's a love story set in a post-Apocalyptic world.  What a fun weekend of fun and work all in one.  My favorite part was staying at my friend Jessica's mom, Cheryl's house.  I was pooped the night we got in from that 4 1/2 hr flight, but the boys Damon, Gary , and Brian had to go to the open gala.  So Emily-Grace, Harry, Max, and I stayed at the house and somehow ended up staying up late playing Aggravation and Clue. The next day we had to pick up some of the cast from the airport and even my old friend, "Guy," from Lubbock who now lives in Florida drove out to the screening.  Atlanta was fun and I ate a lot of Mellow Mushroom (which is a pizza joint). We had two screenings, sat night-great time, and sold out 250 seats, and Monday day. To end this trip, yes, I totally bought "Twilight" on the plane and really enjoyed it.

So 2 days back home, then back to work again, but with festival stuff. I love it!  It's fun to see my husband do what he loves! We made it into the Newport Beach Film Festival. Its only an hour away. I love Newport Beach, and what amazing day it was. The sky was a lovely bright blue with a cool breeze. My favorite part of California is my motto, "you can never be to dressed up". Jessica and I got all dolled up and were able to attend one of the festival festivities party.  Now if you know our husbands, they are frugal.  Whats wrong with that?  Right?  So we park are own car up a hill behind the party.  As we are getting out we see valet guys running fast doing their job of valeting cars.  So we proceed to the party and realize we have to shimmy through some bushes and a steep hill.  What a sight for sore eyes: hot girls in like 4 inch hills, scurring down the side of a hill.  We get to the bottom and the valet guy says, "Valet is free" uggg!!! We totally laugh.  Since my husband and Jessica's husband are there with a film they receive festival passes so they can get into the parties for free which some of these tickets are 250 dollars, but of course if you sleep with the filmmakers you get in wink wink... So we walk in and who is spinning the music, DJ Mom Jeans.  If you don't know who that is because I wouldn't of known it's the guy from that 70's show, Hyde,Danny Masterson . Let me tell you if your a fan sorry but he sucked, I'm sure he knew it to. Love ya though!  Night of the screening of Deadland was another successful sold out.  I even saw the guy on"Fringe" John Noble and the guy from the "Entourage" (can't remember his name but with the dark hair).  

The next morning we took it easy and laid out by the pool had lots of mimosas. We packed up, loaded the car, then went to see another film called "Knuckle Draggers", which I also acted in. Great turn out for them also, it sold out.  I met Ross McCall from band of brothers and Danielle Nicolet from my favorite show "The Starter Wife".  Good times.  We had to leave right after the film because our little winner dog Sweenie was in the boarding place and poor girl had been in there for like a week and a half.
I would say this craziness is over and I laid on the couch for the rest of this month, but the next weekend I had a cake order. I made a 2-tiered cake red velvet, and 35 robot cookies.  They turned out great.  We had dinner at Marix, this cute little Mexican restaurant along the PCH and then walked over to the birthday party where it was 80's night and yes, Jessica and I had dance party.  So to say it wasn't until Sunday May 2nd was the 1st time in a long time to just relax on the couch with the hubs.  After church of course.

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