Lovely Lady Cakes

Friday, July 24, 2009

Marble Falls, Tx. Trip to see the family!

Well, I traveled to my moms house a few weeks ago in Austin. Saw the sister, mom, and dad it was nice to see the family. Whow, i love my Mediterranean climate because Texas was soo hot. My moms car gauge reached 125! WTF thats hot!

Friends and Family day lunch @ Dreamworks....Our friends Claire and Ben gave us the tour at Dreamworks. It was so nice, hopefully damon can work there some day. It's such a nice family atmosphere. Pool tables and foozeball tables set up outside to relax while rendering your projects...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July / Gosia's Birthday

Happy 4th ya'll! Hope everyone had a lovely one!
My 4th started off by going to the beach. We met Gary and Jessica. Whow, traffic getting to the beach was crazy, but being a native Los Angelino we parked in our sneaky lot where you don't have to pay out the hoop-la, it's free! We made our way down the Santa Monica Pier and just a word of advice take a left, South of the pier thats the cool side or where its a tad more peaceful or the "Pretty People are" An unknown source brought to my attention how we had lots of "Bridge and Tunnel" out at the beach. Look, just because it's a holiday doesn't mean you can leave your trash behind, or when you bring your dog it can just take a poop in the ocean. So after pushing our way through many many people, and passing by that cotton candy stand, we made our way to the beach. Damon and I kept the sandals on for the sand is really hot and walk about 100 feet toward the big beautiful ocean. It looked like a scene from jaws (tons of people and their umbrellas). We finally found Gary and Jessica and lay out this beautiful table cloth that acts perfectly as a beach blanket...
This week in Lovely Lady Cakes Land! I made my signature Lovely Lady Cake- Vanilla cake w/ Canolli Cream w/ Vanilla Buttercream...
I made some yummy Homemade Banana Vanilla Pudding for our BBQ @ Flo's & Sandra's
Damon my husband helped in the kitchen this week and made brownies and iced them. They were the hit of the party.

As usually another great 4th @ the Stadlers. This will have been my 6th year to attend their 4th of July parties. Sandra and Flo have these amazing Korean BBQ ribs ahhh to die for. By the end of the night we shimmy onto the roof and watch all the fireworks going off all over Los Angeles. Her house is in Echo Park right by the Dodger Stadium so you have a wonderful panoramic view of downtown and the faint lights of Santa Monica.
Hope everyone had a Lovely night and was safe!
I'm excited! Going home to texas this week I can't wait to see my family! Miss you guys...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fire Truck Cake!

Yummm! Birthday Fire Truck cake. Half sheet cake vanilla cake with vanilla frosting.

Sweenie chillen on the bed..
Have a Lovely 4th of July, and if I see you this weekend I will have the sweets....

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