To start off the week of fun and relaxing Christmas weekend, Damon & I went to see Avatar downtown. Mary and Reuben just bought a loft down there so they met us at the theater. Avatar in 3D: whow! I went into the movie thinking I would hate the blue people (Avatars), and to my surprise was freaking out how cool everything looked digitally. After the movie we headed to Reuben & Marys and checked out their new place - super cool. That's even where we are going in a few hours for New Years Eve!! Mike & Jill met us as well and we planned to go ice skating right by their house but instead we had a yummy sushi dinner and walked to the Standard Hotel. Lovely night with a sparkling view.

Well Christmas Eve (Christmaka) was upon us and we had a total of 8 people over for dinner. This was the 1st year ever that we were not with our immediate families. It was very sad not to be with them, but it gave us the chance to make our own traditions. Our friends Harry & Max came over and since they're Jewish, we all came up with Christmaka. But Santa didn't look at last names this year and they got presents under our tree. Mary & Reuben, and Ben & Clair joined us too. We ate every last morsel of food. It was funny, no left overs. I made some cookies un-iced and we had a little icing party after dinner.

Ahh, Christmas night. Damon and I went to Florian and Sandra's in Echo Park to have an amazing meal prepared by Florian. I held little Luca the whole time. He is just sooo cute. Sandra's parents were there helping the couple out since little Luca is only 2 weeks old so far. He even went to his 1st Christmas party with Florian the day before. The boy is already a social butterfly. This really felt like home. The house was warm from the Christmas tree lights, which also had these tiny candles that Florian had placed into the Tree. I think that is their tradition to place candles in the tree. We sang Christmas carols in Swiss- German and read Bible verses in Swiss German as well.

Well, my rollers are hot and I hear some fireworks going off (I hope that bang was fireworks). Good bye 2009 and hello a great year to 2010! The Digital Decade was good to us
. It gave us the world of technology, Twitter, iphones, words like Octomom, American Idol, and green isn't a color any more. HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE people!