Lovely Lady Cakes

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ladybug Cake

This is the recent cake I did this past weekend.
Vanilla Cake w/ Vanilla Buttercream.
the little ladybugs are made out of fondant for the kidos to eat...

Friends Making Movies

We visited the set of our good friend Alex Ranarivelo. He is shooting his second feature "Born to Race." Steve Sarno (writer) showed us around set. Huge kisses went to the hard working DP Reuben Steinberg is a little of what we got to see...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Cousins Visit

Ahh, the dear ole cousins came to visit. It was so much fun having them at my house for a change. These boys got to see Hollywood / LA in true fashion. We of course expanded their pallets for amazing food, relaxed, people watched, and star sightings. I love these boys as if they were my own flesh and blood brothers.

We did many things and I chauffeured them around, first stopping by the Jimmy Kimmel show, where they got to see 2 stars on the show: Jada Pinkett Smith & Matthew Fox.
Toured them around Hollywood, saw advanced screening of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Visited Santa Monica, got a little beach time in, the Grove, and even had a private tour of Fox studies where we were on the back-lot with Dr. House aka: Hugh Laurie, and watched dallies of Water for Elephants.
Oh and I almost forgot our amazing day at Universal Studios where my loving uncle got us front of the line passes. It was totally worth it. On the tours we got to see the new back lot from where everything had burned down. The new sets are amazing!

Front of the line

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hello Goodbye Summer

Summer came and gone this season in LA. It was the most strangest summer. It was very chilly and I never made it to the beach once. It could of been that Damon & I have been super busy every weekend that we always had something planned. I literally wore my H& M light weight, white sweater everywhere I went. The few times we had to relax we would travel to Damon's parents New House in Handford, CA. It has a beautiful pool and was very nice to relax there.

And of course I took myles to the pool my favorite little man I babysit for!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

Cinco De Mayo

My husband proposed to me in Granview Tx. 3 years ago on this date. So we went around the corner to try our local new restaurant called Chego
3300 Overland Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90034

If you live in La, food trucks are a huge thing, and the famous chef Roy Choi, of the Kogi Korean bbq beef truck has a tiny restaurant in Palms around the corner from where I live. Instead of checking your twitter page to hunt down this yummy food truck, now you know exactly where to go. All the bowls are under $10 so very affordable as well. This new eatery focusing on Korean rice bowls, with the famous Korean BBQ beef, and topped off with a fried egg. It really was amazing, but totally spicy. Get your tums ready.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

an inspired green puree Dip!

Ahh, went to dinner after the screening of "Turkish women who dare". We popped over to LUNA PARK. There they brought to the table, bread and green puree dip. My culinary tongue detected parsley and garlic. Of course asked the waitress and was right. So I went home and was inspired to recreate it. Next time you have guest over make it... so easy...

1-Bunch of Parsley
1/2 garlic clove
1/4 c. Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
Cuisinart Blender
Blend all together, but drizzle 1/4 of the oil while being pureed. Cut up baguette toasted or untoasted and yummm..

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Turkish Women Who Dare-Documentary

My friend produced this documentary film called "Voices Unveiled: Turkish Women Who Dare." It explores the clash of Islam and the West through the lives of three modern Turkish women - a dancer, an artist, and an activist – who struggle to find their own voices in a traditional world. I learned so much from how it's hard to stand up to your generation of oppressed, and it's ok to be any type of woman their hearts desire in their traditional worlds. From the simple headscarf to the body-covering niqab, this trend is apparent in countries as different as Indonesia and Iran. And while many reports have come up with this change exclusively to growing religious sentiment or to male oppression, two Turkish researchers are offering an intriguing alternative theory: Wearing the veil is an act of fashion rebellion.

There was a small village in the film that caught my eye. They were a group of women who didn't want to become just servants to their husbands so they opened what we know as a bed and breakfast. They worked together to make this business for themselves and the men were so ashamed. Even their government turned their back on them with funding, pipes for clean sewage, you name it. Yuck! they did it all themselves. But the old ways of their culture got to one of the woman. While shooting one woman got scared and something happens that I can't give away!

The artist in the film took her heritage, traditial rug desigins and researched the definition of all the elements that are on these rugs, and produced them into a more modern look. The process was amazing how she would sketch out an idea then make this giantic pattern and take it to these Turkish woman who know how to hand weave rugs with thier eyes close on their desolate farms, and just weave in the sun till they were finished. I'm talking about those crazy pattern rug with stars and what look like to me oriental designs. Now, they were reversing their minds to weave a new pattern. It was amazing and so beautiful...I want one!
If you see it at your local Film Festival check it out!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Baking and Cooking Kids Party

Learn, interact, and Eat!

Well, I was hired for a Birthday Party. There were eight, 8 year olds who I taught and helped kidos roll our pizza dough and bake Dairy free Cake. One of the guests was allergic to dairy. Hints the very yummy Dairy free cake. It was so much fun!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Friends intown

Well, Branden and Kerri were in town from Texas this weekend. Kerri found her Wedding dress yea! We had so much fun. Branden got his sushi in the belly, and Kerri and I oggled over all of her Wedding ideas. (good stuff) fun times. Florian and Sandra came over with Luca.

The Big Reveal

Damon got a full time job!
No more free lance until the next movie comes around. Until then he is working on his new baby!

Easter 2010

April has been a fun month so far. The first weekend my husband and I traveled to Riverside to meet his family for dinner. His dad has reserves every other weekend so we try to make it out to see them. Then the next weekend we saw them again, and it was Easter. 2 weekends in a row I got to have family around. Man i miss being so far away sometimes and missing out of loved ones. So we went to our regular church, but every Easter they have it at the Hollywood Bowl. Its so pretty and peaceful. Then we came home and Joyclyn had brought a ham with them and we had a lovely meal with them. Of course we took them to our friends home who just had a baby and oggled and googled over the new born.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Well, gosh it has been forever. Wow, March came and went. The 1st of this month I went to Vegas to celebrate my soon to be sister in-laws bachelorette party. It was very fun, but the most tamest Vegas I have ever been exposed to. The girls I was with were on Texas time so they went to bed early while I tried to do the most safest thing possible in Vegas and played Craps till the wee hours. I really am in love with my new sis Delia Joy and wish the best for her and Salem! See ya in May for the Wedding!
The following week I, (lovelyladycakes) had a baby shower cake and cookies for my dear friend Claire (she is on Mad Men). It was appropriately Hollywood themed . One of the crafts at the party was decorating baby one-sizes.

The following week was my Birthday, on the 21st, but my faviorite kido Myles that I babysit, his birthday is on the 20th (I guess that's why we get along). I made him a Buzz Light Year and Woody cake. We had an amazing breakfast with them and his grandparents.

Sunday, my Birthday, we went to South of the Santa Monica Pier to Big Deans, and waited for our Friend Brian, who was in the Los Angeles Marathon that started in downtown and ended in Santa Monica. I bet that was a fun run, very scenic, but painful. We all enjoyed a few beers then left to get ready to head to Mary and Reubens home in Downtown for an amazing meal Reuben prepared for us. The dinner started with a Lemon butter octopus salad, homemade pasta with Italian meatballs, and ended with some kinda eggplant Parmesan. And for dessert... well, I hate to say that I did not make my own cake. From Omaha Steak's I had a Double Chocolate Cake that my Uncle Tom mailed to me for Christmas, that was sitting in my freezer. It was the perfect time to thaw it out and eat it with great friends.
Oh did I mention how my dearest friend Lacye, her hubs, Maddox, and Gigi (Lacye's mom) were in San Diego, and I didn't even get the time to go visit her, because of all my cake orders. I'm a horrible friend. Even though we live so far away I refuse to let our friendship die. We may grow up and lives changes, but you always must take a hold of your true relationships and never let them fade...

Ah, the next week of March I recived a huge order for Lovely Lady Cakes. I was asked to provide 300 Whoopee Pies, 300 Nutter Butters, 300 Peaunt Butter Balls, and 300 Strawberry Shortcakes for Fox's 100th Episode of Bones. Well, I do love a challenge, and I have done a Rachael Ray Wedding show, and a Music Video shoot for Jo De la Rosa on the Housewives of Orange County, so of course I have to do FOX. The tasting for the FOX peeps is tomorrow. I have everything ready to go. So wish me luck. The big job is next Wednesday.

And to top it all off, my dearest friend Jessica is in the hospital tonight delivering her son - whose name is to be determined after the first glance of baby Week's face out of the womb. His nicknames that we have given him, have been Edison, McCabe, Champ, Creature, Braxton. So it's to be determined what the real name of this beautiful boy to be in a few hours..ahhh. Good luck, Jess!

Have a great week!
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