Well, gosh it has been forever. Wow, March came and went. The 1st of this month I went to Vegas to celebrate my soon to be sister in-laws
bachelorette party. It was very fun, but the most tamest Vegas I have ever been exposed to. The girls I was with were on Texas time so they went to bed early while I tried to do the most safest thing possible in Vegas and played Craps till the wee hours. I really am in love with my new sis Delia Joy and wish the best for her and Salem! See ya in May for the Wedding!

The following week I, (lovelyladycakes) had a baby shower cake and cookies for my dear friend Claire (she is on Mad Men). It was appropriately Hollywood themed . One of the crafts at the party was decorating baby one-sizes.

The following week was my Birthday, on the 21st, but my faviorite kido Myles that I babysit, his birthday is on the 20th (I guess that's why we get along). I made him a Buzz Light Year and Woody cake. We had an amazing breakfast with them and his grandparents.

Sunday, my Birthday, we went to South of the Santa Monica Pier to Big Deans, and waited for our Friend Brian, who was in the Los Angeles Marathon that started in downtown and ended in Santa Monica. I bet that was a fun run, very scenic, but painful. We all enjoyed a few beers then left to get ready to head to Mary and Reubens home in Downtown for an amazing meal Reuben prepared for us. The dinner started with a Lemon butter octopus salad, homemade pasta with Italian meatballs, and ended with some kinda eggplant Parmesan. And for dessert... well, I hate to say that I did not make my own cake. From Omaha Steak's I had a Double Chocolate Cake that my Uncle Tom mailed to me for Christmas, that was sitting in my freezer. It was the perfect time to thaw it out and eat it with great friends.

Oh did I mention how my dearest friend Lacye, her hubs, Maddox, and Gigi (Lacye's mom) were in San Diego, and I didn't even get the time to go visit her, because of all my cake orders. I'm a horrible friend. Even though we live so far away I refuse to let our friendship die. We may grow up and lives changes, but you always must take a hold of your true relationships and never let them fade...
Ah, the next week of March I recived a huge order for Lovely Lady Cakes. I was asked to provide 300 Whoopee Pies, 300 Nutter Butters, 300 Peaunt Butter Balls, and 300 Strawberry Shortcakes for Fox's 100th Episode of Bones. Well, I do love a challenge, and I have done a Rachael Ray Wedding show, and a Music Video shoot for Jo De la Rosa on the Housewives of Orange County, so of course I have to do FOX. The tasting for the FOX peeps is tomorrow. I have everything ready to go. So wish me luck. The big job is next Wednesday.

And to top it all off, my dearest friend Jessica is in the hospital tonight delivering her son - whose name is to be determined after the first glance of baby Week's face out of the womb. His nicknames that we have given him, have been Edison, McCabe, Champ, Creature, Braxton. So it's to be determined what the real name of this beautiful boy to be in a few hours..ahhh. Good luck, Jess!

Have a great week!