Welcome to the 1st Baking with my Sub's for Season 2. This is an interactive episode that will be taking place on MArch 3rd. But for it to work I need you my Subscribers to send in video responses on this video in the comment section. At the end of the video are just some of the ingredients to make this weeks recipe, "Black Forest Cake". I need you just to say one in front of your computer or act it out. Send it to me and I cut up your footage with my footage so we can all bake together in the kitchen..Looking forward to your creativity and Deadlines are due Feb 28, 2012.
Special Thanks to Larissa Kim xoxo
Everything done by Anna Boling O'Steen
Find all recipes at: http://annaosteenworld.blogspot.com/
Follow me on Twitter to stay in the know: @lovelyladycakes
and like my facebook page
Second Channel:
LovelyBabyBites-savory world
Music, a walk in the park by Jason Shaw
website, audionautix.com
last song, beach bum, by Kevin MacLeod
Weblink: http://incompetech.com/m/c/royalty-free/index.html?keywords=beach+bum&Sea...License agreement: http://incompetech.com/m/c/royalty-free/licenses/