Lovely Lady Cakes

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Carrot Blueberry Baby Puree | Elle's First Foods

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Lemon Framboise Ice-Cream

 Ice-cream should taste good and look good.  The taste must be sweet.  So today I used the natural sweetener from a raspberry. Not only is this ice-cream a head turner from its vibrant red color from the fresh organic raspberries, but the creamy consistency that melts in your mouth makes this ice-cream the perfect pre or post dinner desert.  Sometimes I just crave sweets and love to break the rules and have my desert before dinner.  Mom saids no, but I say go for it.

1/2 cup organic raspberries
1/4 coconut milk
1/8 cup lemon juice
1 Tbs. Lemon zest
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/4 cup fresh organic raspberries

Pour the raspberries in a cup and place in the freezer to freeze.
In a bowl mix together the coconut milk, zest, and lemon juice.
Using an ice-cube tray,  pour the coconut milk mixture in the cubes and freeze.
Also, place the cottage cheese in the cubes of the tray and freeze.
Using the Dessert Bullet let the cubes thaw out for 2-3 minutes then add the coconut cubes, frozen raspberries, and cottage cheese cubes alternating the pieces in the chute.
Turn on and press down.
Catch the ice-cream in a bowl.
Run through the bullet one more time to reassure the ice-cream is a smooth creamy consistency.
Place the ice-cream in a bowl.
Then using a NutriBullet blend up 1/4 cup of fresh raspberries.
If you are not a fan of the seeds you can strain the raspberries seeds or top with the raspberries puree right on top of your ice-cream for garnish.

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