Lovely Lady Cakes

Friday, April 27, 2012

Directions for Baking with my Sub's (Subscriber's)

It's that time again where I ask my Subscribers to send in their video responses to one of the ingredients that I have list below.  In 2 weeks (May 12) I will put up the official "How to make a Fruit Pizza" and using your video response cut us all in together so we are all baking together!  Deadlines for your video responses is May 7th.  Looking forward for your creative videos acting out one of the ingredients.  You can leave me the video under the directions video on YouTube, e-mail it to me, or sendspace it.

Fruit Pizza
(Pick one and leave me your video response, it can be funny or serious!)
1) cream with a hand held mixer or kitchen aid 1 C. butter
2) add 1 1/2 C. sugar
3  add 2 eggs one at a time
4) in a seperate bowl add 2 3/4 C. flour
5 add 2 tsp cream of tartar
6) add 1 tsp baking soda and 1/4 tsp salt
7) on a cookie sheet press cookie dough down and bake at 400 degrees for 14 mins
8) in a seperate bowl melt 12 oz. white chocolate
9) cut up strawberries
10) you tell me what fruit you like to cut up on your fruit pizza?

Everything done by Anna Boling O'Steen

Follow me on Twitter to stay in the know: @lovelyladycakes

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LovelyBabyBites-savory world

Wheels by Jason Shaw
Walk in the Park by Jason Shaw

Beach Bum- by kevin MacLeod,

Friday, April 20, 2012

How to make Vanilla Pudding

This week I received a package in the mail from the Naked Sweet Shop.  They were so kind to send me 2 vanilla bean pods and bags of vanilla beans out of the pods.  So this week I made vanilla pudding for you guys.  It can be a little tricky sometimes but I know it will taste more flavorful than the kind in the carton.

Thanks: Naked Sweet Shop

Vanilla Pudding
1/3 c. sugar
4 eggs
1/4 c. cornstarch
1/4 tsp salt
add to bowl and mix
in a sauce pan add
2 1/2 c. milk
1 1/2 tsp vanilla beans (or) (vanilla extract but not till the end)
over medium heat warm, then temper into egg mixture
then place back on medium heat stirring constantly till the 1st bubble
take off heat, then whisk for no clumps
3 Tbs butter
and now use vanilla extract if no vanilla beans
place in a shallow dish to cool or pour into cups and
place in fridge to harden up

Find all recipes at:

Everything done by Anna Boling O'Steen

Follow me on Twitter to stay in the know: @lovelyladycakes

and like my facebook page

Second Channel:
LovelyBabyBites-savory world

Waltz with Jack-website,
Strutting his stuff-website,
Clairnet Kate-website,
Beach Bum-beach bum by kevin MacLeod,

Friday, April 13, 2012

The best French Macarons

French Macarons are a small bite sized cookie. They 1st have a crunch in your mouth then leading into a light soft texture as you bite into the filling. This cookie can be filled with jam, ganache, or buttercreams. In this episode I have dyed the macaroons fun colors and added strawberry buttercream in the center. Let me tell you everyone will be gloating over these little cookies!
Find all recipes at:

French Macaron
SIFT: 3/4 c. Almond powder
SIFT: 1 c. powder sugar
with a whisk attachment on your kitchen aid or hand held mixer
whisk 2 eggs whites for 2 mins till frothy
then add 4Tbs. sugar, but one tbs at a time very slowly
fold in whites to flour mixture
you can dye the batter different colors or keep white
pipe on parchment paper dime sized dollops
tap tray to get air out
let rest for 15 minutes to form a coat
pre-heat oven to 325
after 15 mins is up turn oven down to 300 and bake for 8 mins on top rack or bottom not middle
then turn cookie sheet and bake another 8 mins
let cool
sandwich together

Everything done by Anna Boling O'Steen

Follow me on Twitter to stay in the know: @lovelyladycakes

and like my facebook page

Second Channel:
LovelyBabyBites-savory world

Seeds of Success and Cool Confident website,
beach bum by kevin MacLeod,

Friday, April 6, 2012

How to make Peanut Butter Balls

This weeks video is brought to you by a Subscriber's mothers recipe box, "Disneysongtape" He really wanted me to make his favorite treat that his mom would make for him. Of course I added a lovelyladycakes spin to things. Hope you find yourself getting in the kitchen and making these easy sweet treats. Her recipe calls for 2 c. of sugar, but next time I might just add 1 cup. Thanks disneysongtape, xoxo.

Peanut Butter Balls
1 C. of peanut butter
2. C. of sugar (or add less if you want)
1/2 c. butter
dash salt
1 c. rice krispes
mix up and molding into balls
place in fridge or freezer to harden up
dip in chocolate

Everything done by Anna Boling O'Steen

Follow me on Twitter to stay in the know: @lovelyladycakes

and like my facebook page

Second Channel:
LovelyBabyBites-savory world

For_the_future_ full website,
beach bum by kevin MacLeod,

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