Lovely Lady Cakes

Friday, July 13, 2012

How to make Cake Pops 2012

Ever been to a party and the main sweet was a cake shooter, cake pop, or cake truffle?  Ever wondered how to make them.  Well, this week in Lovely Lady Lady I teach you my tricks and techniques of making the perfect cake pop.
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Cake Pops
(1) 8 " pre-made cake
2-4 c. frosting
mix together till it forms a ball
take lollipop sticks and dip the tip in the chocolate
then push into the ball
refrigerate till chocolate hardens on stick then melt 8 ox. chocolate
then dip the ball in chocolate and let dry

add jimmies or sprinkles for decoration 

Everything done by Anna Boling O'Steen

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LovelyBabyBites-savory world


alive and
Beach Bum-Kevin MacLeod


  1. Hi Anna!
    I'm loving your videos! You're such a talent in front of the camera, and such a talented baker!
    Looking forward to your next vids!


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