Lovely Lady Cakes

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Healthy Smoothies

Smoothies are thankfully my coffee these days.  I have skipped the cup of coffee each morning and am grabbing a smoothie togo.  They have so many good things in them to help you throughout your day. Plus, are packed with natural vitamins giving you increased energy, weight loss, and overall improved health. Parents, this is the best way to sneak veggies into your children's’ diets.  Start them off young. By getting them in now this habit of healthy eating at an early age will help crave healthier decisions.

Tip to making your smoothie less green tasting add a little peanut butter or honey.
So my trick to making a smoothie in the morning is using what I have bought that is lying around in my fridge.  What do you love? I love bananas so I always have plenty going bad that I need to use.  I always have yogurt, and I always have spinach.  Hey, Looks like we got something going here.  So break out your blender and just go to town adding your favorite things.

Anna's Smoothie
1/2 cup of organic greek yogurt
1 banana (in chunks)
handful of spinach or kale
maybe carrots if I have them
2 Tbs or less of Peanut Butter
and 2-3 Tbs of OJ or a juice I have that week

For more Recipes go to my favorite product the NutiBullet

What kind or smoothies are your favorite to make?

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