This weeks video is brought to you by a Subscriber's mothers recipe box, "Disneysongtape" He really wanted me to make his favorite treat that his mom would make for him. Of course I added a lovelyladycakes spin to things. Hope you find yourself getting in the kitchen and making these easy sweet treats. Her recipe calls for 2 c. of sugar, but next time I might just add 1 cup. Thanks disneysongtape, xoxo.
Peanut Butter Balls
1 C. of peanut butter
2. C. of sugar (or add less if you want)
1/2 c. butter
dash salt
1 c. rice krispes
mix up and molding into balls
place in fridge or freezer to harden up
dip in chocolate
Everything done by Anna Boling O'Steen
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LovelyBabyBites-savory world
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beach bum by kevin MacLeod,
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